Posts Tagged ‘ptsd’

Hypnosis can Help Trauma, and PTSD

Monday, March 21st, 2011

By, Cynthia Lindner, MS

Most of us conduct our lives around the belief that we will be relatively safe. Catastrophic events such as what happened in Japan as a powerful Earthquake shook apart buildings, and created a massive tsunami, for many people, that belief was shaken. Aside from this there is gave concern over radiation leaks at damaged Japanese nuclear plants. This natural disaster has destroyed property, taken thousands of lives, altered the lives of millions, and for very many people across the world, undermined feelings of safety.

Events such as this are outside the realm of people’s ordinary experience. Catastrophic experiences are not limited to war and natural disasters ( hurricanes, tornados, flooding, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc.) but also include rape, physical or sexual abuse, fires, auto accidents, school shootings, plane crashes, hostage situations, and exposure to other violence such as car-jacking, mugging, and military combat. It is not only the victims of these events, but also witnesses, families of victims and helping professionals who can develop severe symptoms of stress, which can potentially become long-lasting.

The anxiety experienced during or immediately after a catastrophic event is identified as traumatic stress. When symptoms endure several months after the incident, it is classified as post-traumatic stress. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is the term used by mental health professionals to characterize people who have endured highly stressful and frightening experiences and who are having severe distress caused by memories of that event.

Hypnotherapy In The Treatment Of PTSD

A clinician skilled in the therapeutic use of hypnotism can use hypnosis to facilitate the processing of the traumatic memories, and facilitate alternate perspectives and consequently different responses to the memories of trauma.  Hypnosis as a management tool can be used to develop skills in relaxation, and teaching individuals to use self-hypnosis as a self-help tool can have an empowering effect for the individual who used it to manage their symptoms, and enhance the process of healing.

PTSD is very treatable, especially when it is caught early. The idea behind the treatment is to process the traumatic event, as well as manage the symptoms. A qualified Therapist can help the person with PTSD to find the words to talk about the incident and to understand the feelings that accompany the experience, rather than to avoid things associated with the trauma. Though it might seem natural to want to avoid painful memories, it is important to acknowledge the memories, feel the emotions and work at processing them.

Cynthia Lindner, MS is a certified hypnotherapist with over 20 years of experience working in the mental health professions, currently with a successful private practice on Long Island, NY.  She has specific expertise in applying the complementary modalities of guided imagery, hypnosis, and biofeedback for the purpose of attaining wellness, self-improvement, and with Doctor’s referral, relief of pain and symptoms. Cynthia has taught workshops at international conferences, and has written several published articles on the subject of hypnosis.  She provides services to adults and children, individuals and couples.