Posts Tagged ‘exercise’

6 Tips Help You Reduce Weight and Keep It Off!

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Lasting weight loss demands that a transformation of your eating and exercise habits takes place, and using hypnosis can help people to look forward to eating and moving in a way that reflects a healthy lifestyle. Many other choices we make each day, such as how much time you spend sleeping or surfing the Internet, can also make a difference. The seven habits described in this article can help you move toward your goal weight.  Most target the common reasons people become overweight.

To get started, just do one thing differently. Choose the one that seems the most feasible for you, and work at sticking with it for a week. Once you’re doing it fairly consistently, add another one. Over time, you will realize that many of these behaviors can be interconnected.

1. Set small, specific, and reachable goals.

Perhaps you’d like to be the same size you were in high school or when you got married, but that would mean dropping more than 50 pounds. Don’t go there — not yet, at least. Set a more realistic goal of losing 5% to 10% of your weight, and give yourself plenty of time and some flexibility to reach that goal, keeping in mind that most people take at least six months to achieve that degree of weight loss.

2. Begin self-monitoring.

Writing down what you eat and how much you exercise can help you gain awareness of your behaviors and track your changes toward specific goals. To keep tabs on your what you are eating and how much activity you get, you can go low-tech (a pocket-size notebook with a pen) or high-tech (a smartphone app). There are even free sites on the internet to help with this. The idea is to create some mindfulness and identify areas you need to improve.

3. Eat a reasonable breakfast every morning.

Some people skip breakfast because they’re too rushed or they aren’t hungry. See if getting up 15 minutes earlier (which means going to bed earlier so you don’t loose sleep time) to make time for breakfast and practice putting down your utensil or sipping water, coffee, or tea between bites. Refrain from slamming down a fast food sandwich, or a bagel with a slab of cream cheese. Instead, have some whole grains, some protein and fruit.

4. Get active.

Work at adding activity to your day. Swim laps at a local pool, go dancing, play Frisbee, or take a brisk walk. Finding an activity that you really enjoy will make it easier to stick to a routine, and incorporating new types of activity can keep you challenged and less likely to become bored. Depending on your fitness level, you can start slow and gradually add more time and more vigorous activities

5. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

Research has shown that inadequate sleep can lead to weight gain. Most people need about eight hours of sleep a night, give or take a little. Some people may need more, some less. You’ll be able to tell if you’re getting enough sleep when you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go, rather than groggy or tired.

6. Check and change your screen time.

Many people who struggle with weight complain that they don’t have enough time to exercise or to go grocery shopping and prepare healthy meals. But, most people do spend several hours watching TV or using their computer for entertainment. Keep track of your screen time for a week, then work at reducing the number of hours by a quarter or a third, and devote that time to your weight control efforts.