Posts Tagged ‘depression’

Caring, Sharing, and Giving Are Good for Your Health

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

The unexamined life is not worth living.” –Socrates

The ongoing American healthcare debate and the Occupy Wall Street movement has brought to light, sometimes in a painful, ugly way, the lack of altruistic thinking of some people. More of us could become in touch with a lifestyle choice that could bring us a wealth of happiness, integrity and wellness. Altruism seems to have grown out of favor over the past several decades, though it has been a part of human interaction throughout history, cooperation and sharing has always been a hallmark of what binds a group or even a culture together. Two or more people giving their resources can produce more than two individuals acting alone in most situations.

However many people have adopted an attitude of self interest, believing they have worked hard for what they have, so why should they give to others or an organization? This shift in thinking seems to be linked with a weakening in our sense of community, and a break down of family. We have higher divorce rates, an increase in children being diagnosed with serious emotion issues, and more distance between socioeconomic classes. We have put an emphasis on self-interest and greed, rather than empathy, compassion and sharing, while some in our society grow wealthy others are sinking into poverty.

The remedy to this societal trend lies with each individual. When enough people become conscious of how self-interest is infused into their lives and they challenge it by cultivating a new way of living, it spreads throughout the culture. Recent studies of brain activity indicates that we have a natural trait toward altruism, in other words we are hardwired to be kind, caring and giving. Exploring this part of your self can bring you back into harmony with your natural state, and can improve your well-being.

Volunteer work has been shown to be beneficial in many studies, it can–
–Enhance the functioning of our immune system
–Lower cholesterol levels
–Reduce stress
–Improve cardiovascular functioning

Many people are caught in the trap of materialism. Working hard to make more money to buy more things, and the more things they want the more they need to work, which diminishes the time they have to use the stuff they have worked so hard to buy. Our lives become focused on self-interest and we loose touch with the richer life that comes from having a connection to the community and sharing what we have with others.

Many times people find that they are truly happier with a simpler life, and they find the quality of their everyday living can be much higher when they give themselves the gift of time. Think about the simple abundance that is in your community, literally in your own back yard, and share your gifts and talents with others. You can always feel good about helping others, and make a contribution to help others.

A professional helper can guide a person as they explore the reasons they have fallen into the consumerism trap, and help them develop the skills needed to feel okay with living a simpler lifestyle.

Understanding Pet Loss

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

by Cynthia Lindner, MS

The Private Sorrow of Goodbye

In a past entry I wrote about the benefits of having pets… health benefits and emotional benefits. This entry is about coping with and understanding the grief when a pet is lost or dies. Not everyone understands the enormity of the grief experienced by a pet keeper when their companion dies or is otherwise lost. A person grieving the loss often finds themselves lacking social support. The degree of attachment felt between a person and the pet who dies is a good indicator of how strong the grief reaction will be.

People experience the loss of a pet in a way that is similar to the stages of grief when we loose a close family member, and as with other types of grieving it is a process. The process usually begins with a feeling of numbness and disbelief. There can be times of deep sadness, depression and guilt. It is also possible that a person may feel anger directed at self or others about the loss. Perhaps at the veterinarian that didn’t do enough to save the pet, or toward other people for not understanding how deeply hurt one can feel. The decision to euthanize a pet is typically difficult because of strong feeling of guilt especially if the decision had to be based on finances. Even when money is not the issue there may be feelings of guilt for not doing enough to prevent the injury or illness that caused the decision to euthanize the pet.

Strong Bonds Equate to Strong Feelings of Grief

Grieving pet keepers often find themselves preoccupied with with memories and thoughts of the pet and a decreased ability to concentrate and focus on daily activities.
There can be individual differences in how we react to the loss of a pet. People who live alone or lack strong ties to others may find it more difficult to adjust to a pet’s death. People who feel that others understand their loss seem to process their grief more quickly.

When people die we have a set of societal or religious rituals to preform which inevitable helps us to move through the grieving process. Unfortunately, we have no rituals for morning the loss of a pet, in fact, it is somewhat discouraged. The reality is that a pet may be our closest companion or a surrogate child in the situation of a childless couple or “empty nesters”, and a source of unconditional love. Caring for an animal may be an important part of our daily routine, so when our pet dies the impact on our lives can be greater than when a person dies.

Advanced Hypnotherapy

Port Jefferson NY 11777

Phone: 631.473.0405

How to Deal with Emotional Pain

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

When someone experiences a major life disruption, such as, the death of a loved one, a  relationship break up, serious illness or auto crash,  becomes a victim of crime or survives a natural disaster, it may not always be best to take medication immediately.  When emotional pain is alleviated with medication (or through alcohol or street drugs) the person’s motivation to make changes is lowered, and what can be learned by going through the process of managing emotional pain can be missed.

Of course, there are times when medication is useful and necessary, especially if a person is having suicidal thoughts that may accompany clinical depression.  This is a medical decision between the person and their doctor. This article is intended to give general information, and not to recommend treatment, which are decisions made by persons together with their healthcare provider.

When we experience a life disruption or crisis we need time to gain insight into what has gone wrong and work toward integration.  Emotional pain, while unpleasant serves a purpose, just as acute physical pain does in alerting us that something has gone wrong in our body.  Pain signals us to take action.  The purpose of emotional pain is to move us to learn new ways of coping.

There are some strategies that people in a state of crisis use to successfully deal with emotional pain.  These methods do not end the pain, which has value, but they offer us some relief from the emotional pains.

Sometimes we need to remove ourselves, so we can create a diversion, by planning a short trip, reading a book, talking with a friend, or getting some exercise.  Diversion allows us time away from the problem so that when we actively attend to it again, we may look at it in a “different light” or with “fresh eyes”.

Another strategy for coping with emotional pain is to take charge of those aspects of your life that you still have some ability to control.  Often a major life disruption can leave us feeling like life is spiraling away – totally out of control.  However, we can do some of our routines and self-care, and let the things that are uncontrollable run their course.

Finally, we can find someone who can show us empathy.  Reliving emotional pain by talking with a trusted friend or therapist is an effective strategy.  It is helpful when someone can say with caring and conviction that they understand and care about your pain.

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